My "Make Sense" Journal 


         for a more Sensical Society & better world for everyone 

by Lynn Landes

(last updated Sept 19, 2024)           




My "Make Sense" Journal
is my effort to explain how to 'make sense' in life.  I strongly encourage you to do the same.  Keeping a "m\Make Sense" journal is a great way to organize your thoughts, exercise your brain, address your concerns, get yourself on track, as well as offer some sage advice to others.  It's a living document, a work-always-in-progress. Think of it as your legacy to your family, a gift to the universe.

It's your chance to say what's on your mind, as well as work through life's issues in a ongoing manner. I'm always editing and adding to my journal.  You can keep your journal to yourself, or share it with others, kind of like a freelance journalist!  The world can always use more alternative points of view. The important thing is to speak your truth and focus on what makes sense to you.

For me, making sense is about how to become a better person for a better world for everyone.  So, my journal covers anything and everything - from philosophy to foraging, from politics to pit bulls.  It's about how we can create a more Sensical Society, if you will. That said, I'm certainly not the last word on any given subject, having made my fair share of questionable decisions over the past several decades.  Moreover, we're all unique individuals and come to our decisions in unique ways. Plus, whatever may 'make sense' at one moment in time, may not at another. Which is why a "Make Sense" journal is a very fluid and personal process.  

Why do we need to focus on making sense?  For too long, we've been told to 'make money', not sense. We’ve stopped thinking for ourselves and working together.  Instead, we've trusted in authorities and institutions to advise and guide us, to solve our problems and make us happy. We've followed the crowd and lost our way. We've undermined our own integrity on a personal, local, and national basis. It's the natural result of making nonsensical decisions and doing irrational stuff.  Making sense is a better way to go about living our lives.

People in a Sensical Society strive to make sense for the common good, not the wealthy few.  It's a society that values free speech, not censorship; that works and plays together, recognizing that life has both its charms and its challenges, people have their ups and downs, and that we all need to do our part to help each other out.

Some Characteristics Of A Sensical Society:

-  Makes Sense!
-  Respects all things
-  Keeps an open mind
-  Guarantees free speech
-  Acts for the common good
-  Protects public health & the environment
-  Educates the public in both skills & knowledge
-  Promotes local self-reliance & global cooperation
-  Governs with the fully informed consent of the people

Making sense is a movement that I encourage everyone to join.  It's also unavoidable. It's evolution. Life is an endless learning process in which we are all engaged, whether we like it or not.  So, it makes sense to engage in life wisely and actively for a more happy and healthy, robust and resilient society. And although one person, or a small group, can make a world of difference, it's more effective and fun if we all do our part to Make Sense for a Sensical Society

You are invited to email me with any comments or questions you may have, or if you would like to join in on our occasional zoom conversations. I'm also happy to give talks and interviews on this subject. Thank you for visiting and hope you enjoy the rest of My "Make Sense" Journal below. And please get to work on your own.  It's well worth the effort.  One of the wisest of sayings, "You get out of life what you put into it!"

Lynn Landes, Author & Publisher
Philadelphia, PA









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Making sense is a necessity of life. It's how our universe works. Why do we say, "Things happen for a reason"?  Because they have to. The things that make up our universe don't operate independently of one another. Everything and everyone is connected, continually producing a cause and effect...all the while wearing away our rough edges, like sea glass.  It's an evolutionary process.

Making sense is the fundamental meaning, direction, and balance of life that keeps the stars in the sky and our universe moving forward.  That's not to say that things can't get confoundedly confusing and chaotic at times, but there's a purpose to it all and lessons to be learned. Just as hurricanes clean out the mangroves, and floods feed the soil, seeming 'disasters' should be embraced as the necessities of life, and opportunities for improvement, that they truly are.

Many people, particularly those who've had a NDE (Near Death Experience), say that God's divine spirit of 'unconditional love' is at the core of everything, and personally I agree. Yet, what else is God's unconditional love, but a caring concern and respect for all things, including yourself, in a manner that 'makes sense'? Some people could confuse crazy 'blind love' with God's unconditional love, but they're not the same thing. One makes sense, and the other doesn't. So, for the purposes of My "Make Sense" Journal, I focus on 'making sense', with God's unconditional but 'sensical' love for the universe, as a given. (That's as clear as mud, and perhaps not a great beginning for my journal, but I'm sticking with it for now.)

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Thinking Man by Rodin

(Actually, this statue's name makes no sense at all. A "thinking" person would get some clothes on. Maybe he can't remember where he left them.)

HOW YOU CAN 'MAKE SENSE': Open your mind, consider all the possibilities, & take action.

In order to make sense, we need to make informed decisions, consider all points of view, connect-the-dots, and take action.  We learn from everything - the good and the bad, the large and the small, the day and the night. Everything has something to offer, something to teach us. Rather than focus on failure, worrying, or complaining, instead acknowledge the problem, identify potential solutions, and then do something about it.  You can hope for the best, but plan on the worst.  Most of all, question those in 'authority', do your own due diligence, and always be vigilant.  Here are some practical steps to making sense on any subject:

  • Observe
  • Analyze
  • Use logic
  • Experiment
  • Do research
  • Work with others
  • Verify, don't trust
  • Question everything
  • Honor your instincts
  • Make up your own mind
  • But always keep an open mind

Beware of False Choices & Imperfect Decisions. In many cases, each choice has its pros and cons, so that there are no completely right answers. That can definitely be said of the political parties, each of which takes policy positions that I can support and oppose, therefore I can't fully support any one political party.  And that is why I'm currently registered 'independent', as well as support the periodic use of Direct Democracy (binding referendums), but both of those choices also come with their own pros and cons. Life decisions can be very be difficult in the extreme - necessary, but also tragic. The best example is our Founding Fathers who agreed to continue slavery in order to win freedom from Great Britain. The saving grace in that decision was their stated 'good intention', of democracy for all, eventually came to fruition.

Defending Your Choices & Decisions:  Try to engage respectfully in any defense or debate about your choices and decisions. Treat it more like a 'discussion' instead, acknowledge the pros and cons of the subject at hand. Plus, keep an open mind, which includes a willingness to change your mind. Your respectful and open attitude will make any discussion or debate a more rewarding learning experience for all concerned.

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THE DOCTRINE OF RISK MANAGEMENT: Diversify!  Spread Risk, Don't Concentrate It

As the saying goes, "Don't put all of your eggs in one basket".  Always have a Plan A, B, and C.  It's a basic principle of risk management, and of life, to spread risk out, don't concentrate it. This is why we have a government with checks and balances (sort of); why the U.S. Congress passed anti-trust legislation (although not well enforced); and why an unelected One World Government with enforcement powers is a really bad idea (i.e., The Word Health Organization, mass medications, & health mandates). It's why the power grid and other public utilities should be government-owned and locally operated (which many are not anymore), so that if there is a disaster, natural or manmade, large swaths of the country will not be without power, water, etc..  That's why "self-reliance" on a personal, local, regional, and national basis - knowing how to live with our wild world and do lots of things yourself - is essential to any real security.  And that's also why you shouldn't obsess over things like sports, relentlessly taking photos of yourself, or endlessly redecorating your house.  What if it all goes up in flames? Then what?  Instead, use your time wisely on truly deserving projects that will in the long term benefit yourself and society. Keep in mind, we lead by example.  One person can make a world of difference, and big changes often come from small groups of dedicated people; but most efforts are more effective with more people and a healthy diversity of ideas.

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The Family of Life. Everything's Connected, So Everything Gets Respected

We're all in this 'Family of Life' together and need to work together for the benefit of all. And that's because, at life's most basic elements, everything is connected. Trite, but true. Everyone and everything are made up of energy and vibration. There is no real separation. What affects one, affects us all. Which also means that everything happens for a reason. That is why we should respect everyone and everything.  It doesn't mean that we have to like it, but it does mean that we should try to 'understand' other people, things, and situations as much as possible and then act in everyone's best interests. 

In other words, we should live our lives for the ‘common good’, not the ‘favored few’.  That is not an endorsement of communism or a criticism of capitalism, but instead a recognition that although strong leaders and competition are necessary for our evolution into a better world, we also don't want to leave others behind unnecessarily. On the other hand (or the same one?), we should avoid mindless compassion, as well. Enabling people to fail, unnecessarily, to do things that are not in anyone's best interests (such as drug addiction) is not compassionate. It's destructive to both the individual concerned and society at large.

There will be times when we must make demands of each other, give way to righteous anger, defend ourselves against attack, and even imprison those who have gone seriously astray. But our demands must be just, our anger should be followed by sensible solutions, our defense should be in proportion to the attack, and prisons should focus on rehabilitation, not punishment.  It's also good to keep in mind that we are not all born with identical capabilities, which initially sounds unfortunate. Yet, it's that diversity of talents that helps humanity to survive and thrive (i.e., The Doctrine of Risk Management). 

Humanity needs a meaningful philosophy to serve as our foundation in life. So what makes better sense than, The Family of Life - Everything's Connected So Everything Gets Respected.




Set high goals, good intentions, a 'can-do' positive attitude, realistic expectations, great work ethic, & sense of humor

We are all living through the “School Of Life” with endless lessons to teach us all - so patience and persistence are required. And what should our goals be?  We should strive to create an 'environment of excellence', not a 'culture of complacency'.  Set high goals and good intentions, like 'World Peace' and building a 'Paradise on Earth' for everyone's benefit, but do so with a balanced approach to life. Pace yourself - make time for work, play, and rest.  And manage your expectations.

Be realistic. If you think that life was meant to be "a bowl full of cherries", or fall into a rut that "the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence", then you're bound to be disappointed. Life is meant to be challenging as well as charming. If you put in the work, then you can expect incremental improvements and temporary setbacks - two steps forward, one step back. Life is not linear. Take comfort in that knowledge, so the next time something supposedly 'goes wrong', you won't think if it as a 'bad thing', but instead you'll think of it as yet another lesson, another character-building 'opportunity' that you can learn from, so that you can continue to improve both yourself and humanity.

A "positive attitude" is a powerful force that can help you on your way, but don't let it blind you to life's realities. Understand that, in general, good things will not happen without an honest effort and hard work on your part. To meet life's challenges, we should aim to be 'universal' beings, embodying a diversity of knowledge and experiences, skilled to perform as many tasks as possible, prepared to face both victories and defeats, but not forgetting to have fun in the process.  Our goal is for an exciting and exhilarating life, full of charms and challenges, victories and defeats, all of which, in time, will improve life for everyone. We absolutely can have more vibrant cities, beautiful towns, and a lovely countryside filled with happy and industrious people. We simply need to set our sights on those goals, figure out how best to achieve them, and then take action. 


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 BELIEF SYSTEM:  Believe in higher powers and happy endings...eventually

It makes sense to believe in a loving and benevolent higher power and supernatural forces who we can talk or pray to and ask for help, who are watching over us and guiding us to do the right thing.  It consoling to believe that everything happens for a reason, that there are no coincidences in life, and that ‘all will be well’ in the end.  It's comforting to believe in these things, even if we can’t prove it and even if it isn’t true.  Why? 

Consider the alternative - that there is no divine power to help us through life - that we're all alone in this world without any spiritual force to turn to.  Now that’s depressing and disabling! Physically and emotionally.  It paralyzes people into believing that they are helpless and hopeless.  Which is why we need to believe in higher powers even if they don't exist. In fact, doctors and healers have known for centuries of the power of belief to heal the sick through the use of rituals and placebos (i.e., sugar pills). By-the-way, the opposite is also true. Negative beliefs can destroy and kill. Perceptions can become facts, for good and ill. Which is why it's a good idea to stay positive. Buddha: 'We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world.'

All that said, there is overwhelming evidence of a universal consciousness, of other dimensions to life, and of a higher divine power (God) who offers limitless help, love, and joy. I sincerely believe that. I also believe in asking for help, giving thanks, the power of prayer, and talking to God and the universe, which I do throughout the day. Just thinking positive thoughts can send powerful messages out into the universe for others to receive.

At the end of the day, it just 'makes sense' to 'empower' yourself through good intentions, strong beliefs, and hard work. It feels good and helps us all better manage life's ups and downs. And that makes sense to me.  (Checkout Dr. Eben Alexander's books on this subject)


Organized religions have a vital role to play in civic life. Yet, many religions focus on the spiritual side of life, not recognizing that it is really inseparable from daily life and politics. Making matters worse, a religious institution's nonprofit tax status often discourages, if not prevents, them from taking a stand on political issues and candidates that can profoundly affect peoples' daily lives in both literal and spiritual ways. They need to change that, by either dropping their nonprofit status or getting legislation passed to grant them free speech rights. (This is not an endorsement of imposing religion on the public, particularly through legislation and the public school system.)

Organized religions can feed your soul, create a strong social network, and help a community in many significant ways. However, religions can also divide us into 'teams', pit us against each another unnecessarily, or become cults. Organized religions can also seriously distract people from their civic duty and encourage people to be more concerned with their own spiritual needs, rather than the public good. Going to church can make many people feel good about themselves, without doing much good for society. And some religions are just plain weird, requiring their members to wear their hair a certain way, or shave their heads, or dress in a uniform of sorts, that has no relationship to what makes sense, except to control others and not allow their members to express themselves. If you are a member of an organized religion, it is important that you not be a mindless follower.  Keep your eyes open and your mind curious. 

As to those of us who do not belong to a religious institution, yet think of ourselves as spiritual people and believe in a divine power, our decisions not to join comes with its own downside, including a loss of community. Very frankly, I'm not sure it was the right decision. It was more of a gut instinct. If you want to join a religious group, but can't find the right one, then start one of your own. Just don't register as a nonprofit, so that you can say what's really on your mind, in your heart, and good for your soul.

LOYALTY, PATRIOTISM, & PRIDE: Keep it all in perspective

We can be proud of our country, state, town, political party, our family, friends, ethnicity,  religion, school, college, employer, sport teams, and even ourselves, but let's not let pride, loyalty, or patriotism blind us to reality or convince us to do the wrong thing. That attitude can corrupt our character, distort our thinking, and lead us into making poor decisions.  Celebrate accomplishments and acknowledge faults. Stand firmly for what you believe in, do the right thing, try to coax others to your point of view, but always keep an open mind.  And please don't make enemies, hate others, or accuse others of being hateful. Your foe in one conflict could be your ally in another.  Remember, we're all part of the Family of Life, so let's keep our pride, loyalty, and patriotism in perspective!


MANNERS MATTER: Because they do

We should all remember to "mind your manners" because it's all about living in a respectful manner in all things (behavior, fashion, the arts, sports, politics, business, etc.). We're living through a time when many people, despite having some great ideas and proven skills, have demonstrated a serious lack of manners. These people need to wise up. They are unnecessarily hurting themselves and others, as well as whatever they're trying to accomplish. In many ways, diplomacy between nations is all about manners, aka The Golden Rule, treating each other with respect and fairness. So, let's apply diplomacy to our daily lives, and keep in mind, that we all lead by the examples we set.  Here are some simple tips:

  • Respect others
  • Help those in need
  • Clean up after yourself
  • Apologize when it's your fault
  • Be a good sport, not a sore loser
  • Say please, thank you, & you're welcome
  • Congratulate others on their accomplishments
  • Be a good conversationalist & a better listener


SIMPLE SAYINGS, OLD & NEW: To help us all through life

  • Be prepared
  • Don't trust, verify
  • Change is constant
  • No man is an island
  • You are what you eat
  • Garbage in garbage out
  • Keep calm and carry on
  • Penny wise and pound foolish
  • What goes around, comes around
  • Rainbows only come after a storm
  • If you don't ask, you'll never know
  • Where there's a will, there's a way
  • When you're in a hole, stop digging
  • It's always darkest before the dawn
  • Be your own best friend & worst critic
  • Get from people what they have to offer
  • Hope for the best, but plan on the worst
  • When one door closes, another door opens
  • Look at what people do, not at what they say
  • Bumps in the road of life are there to make you fly
  • The school of life has endless lessons to teach us all
  • Life has its charms & challenges, embrace them both
  • We prepare for the future by what we think and do everyday
  • If something can go wrong it could go wrong, so be prepared
  • It's not just the destination, but also the journey that matters
  • It's not where you've been, but where you're going that counts
  • Learn from the past and plan for the future, but live in the present
  • You can't tell a book by its cover, but you also don't get a second chance to make a great first impression.
  • You've got to know when to hold 'em, Know when to fold 'em, Know when to walk away, And know when to run... "The Gambler" lyrics
  • My version of The Serenity Prayer, what I call, The Wisdom Prayer, because it makes more sense to me this way: "God, grant me the courage to change the things I can, the serenity to accept the things I cannot, and the wisdom to know the difference." AKA: Do your best, then let God do the rest.

 What You Can Do!



GET ORGANIZED to keep yourself on track!

Get your act together!  Organize yourself to be 'goal oriented' so that you can 'make sense' and be more productive, fulfilled, and happy. Besides, it’s hard to help others if your life is a chaotic mess. This is not rocket science advice, yet it's shocking how many people aren't organized, with big and small stuff alike. The public needs to be educated and schools should teach how to get and stay organized. It's a fundamental life skill that can make or break people and a society.

Too many people don't do the basics - they don't make their bed, put their things away, or even take a decent stab at decorating their home. I'm not suggesting that people be 'nasty neat' or develop OCD, but make an effort for Pete's sake!  Your home (or room) should be your sanctuary... warm and cozy, clean and tidy, uplifting and inspiring. Similarly, your life should have goal posts that you can aim for.

It's really helpful to make LISTS to help keep your life on track and balanced. Post them where you will see them, like on your desk or mirror or your front door. Your goals and objectives may change over time, but lists will give you direction and help you stay focused. Lists help remind you of important tasks that need to get done, as well as doing fun things that you enjoy. 

Just don't let your lists overwhelm you, or unnecessarily restrict yourself to an unrealistic timetable. Be flexible and pace yourself. Remember that life is about work, play, and rest, pretty much in that order. Lastly, keep everything in perspective. Do your best, then let God or the universe do the rest!

  • Daily To-Do List: Think of it as triage, first list things you must do that day, then you can include tasks of lesser importance.
  • Short Term Objectives: These are things that you want to accomplish in the next week or month.
  • Long Term Goals could include: marriage, family, schooling, career, home ownership, voluntary activities, political aspirations, big vacations, etc.
  • Your Appointments Calendar? Keep it up-to-date.
  • Make A Budget: Live within your means and avoid debt, because financial problems are a major source of stress.
  • Problems & Solutions List: When things start to overwhelm you, list both the problems and possible solutions, and then get to work on it.
  • A personal daily diary may also help you sort things out.
  • My Favorite Things:  Create a list of books, movies, art, songs, sayings, jokes, photos, art, etc., that uplift and inspire you!

And don't forget to start your own "Make Sense" Journal to help keep you on track, work through both simple and complex matters, and to simply express yourself.  It really helps to get things off your chest.



Plan Your Visit - Philadelphia City Council

ENGAGE IN CIVIC AFFAIRS, RESPECTFULLY.  Know what your government is doing and then do something about it - support, oppose, or propose alternatives.

Government is where the action is. Ignore it at your own peril. Your local, county, state, federal, and international governments should be followed like a hawk and held accountable.

No matter who is in public office, it's important to meet with your political representatives and go to your local town or city council meetings, committee meetings, school board meetings and the like.  Follow the issues, stand up and speak out, send emails, and write letters...using constructive criticism. And get your friends and neighbors to do likewise.  Your voices really do make a difference. Today, most government public meetings are also broadcast online, cable, and radio. So, your audience can be quite large.

The transcripts of government meetings, particularly "public comments", should be our weekly reading...because often-times those transcripts represent our true "FREE PRESS", with government officials on record and citizens often acting as the real journalists.

As far as voting people in or out of office is concerned, unfortunately we live in a time where it is relatively easy to cheat in elections using both 'old school' tactics and computer technology. That's why it's critical to return to 'hand cast and counted paper ballots on election day only'. See ProtocolsForDemocracy & Government Corruption 

Stay more focused on the issues, not so much on the political parties, and discuss solutions that make sense for everyone!  See GOV'T ISSUES:


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start your own Neighborhood Network, so that you can help yourself and others in good times and bad.
See: Neighborhood Networks / Be Prepared / First Aid

We need to help each other, because we can't make a better life for everyone... all-by-ourselves!  It is particularly important for our neighborhoods to "Be Prepared" for any natural or man-made disaster, because if yours is the only family on the block with food to eat, that's not going to 'go down' well with the rest of your neighbors.  Join your local civic association and work through them, but you can also start your own very local 'neighborhood network'. The first step in organizing your community is to put together a simple Neighborhood Network Sample letter.  Later on, if necessary, you can publish a website that features helpful information, such as civic meetings and upcoming events, as well as a 'skills share' and 'networking feature'.

Organizing your community can give people a sense of belonging and encourage them to focus on skills and issues that will make our communities more resilient, engaged, and enjoyable.



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GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTABILITY - It's about Transparency, Honesty, & Fairness.   For more details, visit ProtocolsForDemocracy & Government Corruption

For good government, we all must exercise our right to "meaningful and effective" free speech, a fair press, and verifiable elections, per The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and The Sunshine Act.

POLITICAL PARTIES: In many ways, the political parties are designed to divide us into teams and distract us from the issues we care about, rather than work together to solve society's problems. Rampant distrust of the political parties explains why approximately 40% of voters are registered "unaffiliated". However, in many cases you need to join a party for practical purposes.  No matter which party you belong to, or not, it's best to focus on issues and their solutions. Find common ground and move forward.

FAIR PRESS: A fair press reports on all sides of any issue and gives all sides equal coverage through its reporting and opinion pages. Of course, that's not what we have currently from most of our mainstream media, who have clearly chosen sides, both left and right. Search out alternative voices. (I'm working on a list to share.)

REAL 'FREE SPEECH': Let's keep what we mean by "free speech" as simple as possible. Free speech includes hate speech, misinformation, and disinformation.  And it should be illegal to ban people from social media, public events, financial institutions, etc., just because those in control don't agree with what others have to say.

GOVERNMENT PUBLIC MEETINGS: 1) Government legislative bodies, committees, and executive departments should have regularly scheduled (at least monthly) public meetings where the public can publicly comment.  2) The public should be able to publicly comment at public meetings for at least 3 minutes on any subject that may come under that government's authority. 3) All topics, resolutions, and legislation should be on the agenda at least three days before meetings, except in the case of true emergencies.  Read my attorneys' letter to Philadelphia City Council regarding their Sunshine Act violations (Mar 13, 2024)

PUBLIC ELECTIONS:  Democracy demands transparency, not trust. Voting must be transparent so that election observers have something to observe in order to protect against election fraud. Which means that we need the following: hand counted paper ballots at local polls on Election Day only, and under the watchful eyes of election observers;  NOT machines, computers, e-mail voting, absentee voting, mail-in voting, drop boxes, ballot harvesting, early voting, late counting, etc.. 

PUBLIC POLLS: We need the government to conduct 'public polls' BEFORE legislation is passed. Our political leaders can't represent the 'will of the people' if they don't know what it is in any meaningful manner. Private political polls, like our current election system, nontransparent and untrustworthy. Think about it. We're using anonymous political polls to predict and verify anonymous polling results. It's completely nonsensical! 

'OPEN' VOTING & POLLING:  That's why I suggest that we ditch the "secret ballot" and conduct "open voting" for all polling, elections, and legislation, so that everyone knows how everyone voted. It would all be part of the public record. The secret 'anonymous' ballot is the single biggest reason that we can't truly audit any election. It began to be used after the Civil War, to 'protect' voters from intimidation. Before then, how people voted was public knowledge. What the secret ballot did was to open the doors wide to undetectable vote fraud and unverifiable election results. Likewise, "exit polls" were first introduced in 1964 by the major news networks at the same time computer ballot-counting machines were introduced. A coincidence? I think not. Although not a frequent topic of public discussion, is the fundamental concern that the promotion of 'secrecy' as 'voter protection' has encouraged a kind of cowardice among the electorate, where few people are encouraged to engage is civil discourse, speak their minds, test their political positions, or stand up for what they believe it.  I've written about voting in detail at

REPRESENTATIVE DEMOCRACY + DIRECT DEMOCRACY: As well as vote for our political leaders, citizens should have the opportunity to vote directly on specific issues and legislation nationally, statewide, and locally. Most people support a representative democracy, but many of our leaders don't do what they said they were going to do once they get into office. One way around that problem is to vote on legislation directly, over-riding our legislators, when necessary. It's called Direct Democracy.  Of course, as with everything in life, it has its pros and cons, but it could be an effective solution to tyrannical behavior by government officials.

TIME TO END LAST MINUTE 'OMNIBUS' BILLS: Both the public and our political representatives must have the time to read, understand, and react to the matters on which our representatives will vote. And each bill should stand on its own, rather than omnibus bills that are packed with too many unrelated issues, lumping good bills in with bad ones. 

PROTOCOLS FOR POLITICAL CANDIDATESWe've got to take the money completely out of the election process, particularly foreign money. However, due to the Citizen's United decision etc., it will take an Act of Congress to do it.  Ideally, before any election, the government should pay for and require: 1) 3 televised debates for candidates (the last one being a week before the election), 2) 3 televised press conferences when candidates must answer reporters questions, 3) provide candidates a free campaign website to fill with their own content, and 5) mail out a list of questions with the candidates' replies, so that voters can know where the candidates stand on the issues. These protocols can help guard against electing to office candidates who may be physically, mentally, or emotionally unfit for office. 


  • All wars should require a vote of Congress, per our U.S. Constitution
  • All "Executive Orders" and "Emergency Powers" should be minimized, and "The US Patriot Act" revoked, as they put the "mock" in Democracy and undercut the role of the legislature. 
  • Government should NEVER be allowed to 'protect from liability' any entity from civil or criminal lawsuits, as has happened with vaccine makers, as it denies citizens their right to the third branch of government, the Judiciary.
  • End the conflicts of interest for elected representatives and civil servants, who should be required to divest from all Wall Street and financial investments.

With our Bill of Rights come responsibilities - that we have to fight for every day.

When it comes to good health, everything matters

Learn more at:  WildFoodies / HealthAlertPhilly / HealthChecklist / ZeroWasteAmerica 

Our health is our number one asset. We can't help ourselves or others if we're feeling sickly and our mind is a muddle. There are two main sources of ill health: psychological (which I addressed in The Basics above) and physical. The reality is that we're surrounded by toxins in our food, water, air, soil, including the products we buy everyday, which affects both people and the planet. So, how do we protect both? Keep things simple - ban or phase out toxins as quickly as possible. And learn about our wild world for food, fiber, medicine, and more. Also, we need to learn how to make our own stuff. Why?  Because we'll never really know what toxins may be lurking inside commercial produce or products that come from far-away locations. Even government regulatory agencies and organic standards can't protect the public from secret ingredients that can be harmful to our health. (I know I sound like a paranoid nut case, but unfortunately this is the result of the crazy money-mad world we live in.)

DO NOT TRUST doctors and public health officials because their education and agendas are, too often, based on private profits, not the public health. In addition, many of the "health screenings" for various diseases, can actually cause the very disease they claim to cure (i.e., mammograms). And likewise, "wellness checks" for children are often opportunities for doctors to browbeat parents into give their children unnecessary and possibly harmful drugs and vaccines. Also, keep in mind that mass medication (such as pharmaceuticals and vaccines) opens the door wide to mass contamination or poisoning - either by accident or design. Again, adopt the Doctrine of Risk Management. It's far better to use food-as-medicine and learn about wild herbal remedies, than to rely on Big Medicine & Big Pharma. Listen to your body and do your research.  

Do as much as possible to enhance your own health before going to a doctor, unless it's an emergency. Personally, I have to avoid all processed foods in order to get a good nights sleep. If I don't eat well, I don't sleep well.  I also avoid dairy (possible carcinogen, encourages colds), glutens (causes coughs, encourages odor and fungus), strong spices, nightshade plants (inflammatory), too much acid from various sources (hard on the esophagus), as well as soy (too much estrogen), nuts and seeds (anything that can get caught up in my colon), and processed foods, in general. In particular, I think dairy should be avoided as a possible carcinogen due to estrogen content (and why would you want to eat something that was meant for baby cows that need lots of hormones to grow into huge animals?!), and it also thickens your mucus which makes you more susceptible to colds. And wheat makes my throat itch, causes me to cough, increases my body odor, and can increase toe fungus. Meanwhile, for those with acid reflux, just change your diet. It's troubling to hear the number of people who would rather take a mystery medication, than simply adjust their diet to solve their health problems. To my knowledge, there are no medicines that have no seriously harmful side effects.

There are many things to consider when it comes to good health. Maintain a healthy weight, because toxins like to hide in fat cells which can lead to cancer and many other diseases.  And it's just hard on our bodies, carrying around all that excess weight all day long. We should also minimize our exposure to radiation from various sources, and reconsider the use of LED lights. Think twice about wearing over-cushioned shoes, low-hanging pants, and tight clothes. Even sitting in bucket car seats can affect your spine and give you leg pain. Many sports need to be redesigned as to not injure participants unnecessarily. Try a daily dose of moderate exercise, mindful walking, and a bit of line dancing.  Good health is about our minds as well as our bodies. We need to surround ourselves with uplifting and inspiring people, places, things, and thoughts, so that when bad stuff happens, we're ready to turn those lemons into lemonade! 

There are no shortcuts to good health and true happiness, which is why I strongly believe that we should all embrace the "drug free" approach to life and completely avoid 'socially acceptable' drugs such as caffeine (including chocolate), alcohol, nicotine, and marijuana, all of which are addictive and make people even more stressed and anxious, unable to properly cope with life's daily ups and downs. Actually, I also should include MSG and other food additives that are addictive.

Many people also don't fully appreciate the serious side effects of these socially acceptable drugs, which can cause their bodies to produce an overload of estrogen, a female hormone that can cause cancer and disrupt sexual development. In addition, alcohol makes people more impulsive, quick to anger, and lose self control. What condition do you want to be in if a real emergency occurs and you have to rescue others? How would you feel if your friends or family needed you, but you were too buzzed out to help out?  Meanwhile, caffeine can cause the hardening of the breasts, including cysts, which could be a precursor to cancer.  Nicotine is a known carcinogen. And marijuana can cause dangerous and deadly psychotic episodes. Pregnant women who consume these drugs are endangering themselves and their unborn babies. Sadly, the sheer amount of time that parents waste on taking these drugs, particularly smoking cigarettes in the back yard or back alley, robs their children of precious time with them, which does not go unnoticed by the kids. It's a kind of child neglect that parents will eventually and profoundly regret.

Also keep in mind, whatever toxins and medications people consume will eventually end up in our drinking water, including these socially acceptable drugs. Municipal water systems do not filter them out. The effect on humanity can be devastating, particularly for the unborn and growing children. We are what we and others eat, drink, smoke, and consume. There's another way to approach life. People should look forward to good food and healthy fun instead. It really helps when bars offer non-alcoholic "mocktails", herbal non-caffeinated teas, and healthy broths. Also, knitting etc (aka the fiber arts) are a great way to keep your hands busy and calm your mind (depending on the complexity of the project). Staying addicted to these drugs is like people who can walk, yet won't get rid of their crutches. They've forgotten how to live life without artificial supports. They need to let go and move forward with their lives. Addiction impacts us all, so we all need to work together on this issue and give the "drug free" approach the support it deserves, starting with public education.

ABOUT THE PLANET, regardless of whether global warming is happening or is natural or man-made, fossil fuels and their by-products seriously contaminate the land, sea, air, and all living things, including people.  They cause a wide range of illnesses, including cancer and auto-immune disease.  Thus, we definitely need to make a transition to clean energy. But, we need to do it wisely and carefully.  That said, the best thing to do is not need the energy to begin with, which means to go the passive route.  For example, straw bale homes are naturally insulated from the heat and the cold. You can also heavily insulate your house with chemical-free hemp insulation, wools, and other fibers, etc. Also, learn how to collect and filter your own rain water with plants. You know the drill. And there are many websites to help you on your way to a greener and simpler lifestyle.

We need to adopt a Zero Waste mandate to safely recycle or store our waste. It doesn't make sense to build landfills or cemeteries because they contaminate the air, soil, and water, and will eventually cover the globe. It's a matter of math and limited land. Learn more at my website -

What else can you do?  1) Do without, 2) Forage (WildFoodies) and grow as much of your own chemical-free food as possible, and 3) Make things yourself from non-toxic biodegradable materials (PhillyKnits), 4) Buy local, etc..  The easiest and most effective way to save the environment is by "doing without".  I don't wear make up or perfume, color my hair, do the nail thing, or buy almost any personal care products, plus I don't use soaps or detergents, house or lawn chemicals, etc..  I saved a lot of time, money, and effort when I simplified my life and stopped buying stuff I didn't need.  See my HealthChecklist.htm and just keep saying, "Healthy Planet, Healthy People!"

When it comes to good health, everything matters!

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LINKS: WildFoods / Be Prepared / First Aid / DIY & Buy Local / PhillyKnits

It makes sense for nations to pursue a policy of national self-reliance and determination, as well as global communication and cooperation. There are times when countries need to band together, but that does not justify a One World Government that dictates policies to its member nations, as some international organizations, such as the World Health Organization, are attempting.

Every individual, community, and country should be self-reliant in the basic needs of life as possible, and prepared for any emergency natural or man-made, as well as protected from foreign interference and control.  For what else is government's role, but to serve as society's 'protector', while our role as individuals and communities, is to be 'prepared' for anything that may come our way?

Unfortunately, governments around the world have helped create our current 'disaster of dependency'.  Under the false flag of the "free market" and "free trade", they have sold out their citizens for private profit.  Today, most Americans are completely dependent on others for their bare essentials. We used to be a land of small farmers, businesses, and manufacturers.  Now we're a land of open borders and chronic consumers. That's societal suicide.  We're sitting ducks for any disaster - natural or manmade. 

But don't panic. This is nothing new.  Down through history, those who wanted to dominate others and hoard power, always began by dividing and conquering.  And one of the most popular ways to conquer a society is to destroy a nation's self-sufficiency and local self-reliance.  In American Colonial times, the colonies supplied the raw materials to Great Britain's manufacturers, but were banned from manufacturing products themselves. The American Revolution was fought, in large part, so that the colonists could make their own products, as well as control their own destiny.  Today, we have lost much of what our forefathers fought for, and we desperately need to get it back.  

WHAT CAN WE DO? We need to learn how to survive and thrive without imports and commercial products, as much as possible. (see links at top)  We need to learn how to respectfully and responsibly use our wild world to make our own things, for food, fiber, medicine, and much more.  We need restore our manufacturing and cottage industries, as well as grow crops, make clothes, build houses, and tend to all of our needs, with the focus on "Locally Made" or "Made In America" products.  Our local governments should provide open markets and online catalogues 'rent-free' for people to sell their products and services.  And our schools, communities, and parents can lead the way by teaching a wide range of skills to both adults and children. This will all go a long way toward connecting us to reality, nature, and each other. 

Persuade your local government draw up and execute plans for "Emergency Preparedness", as well as to be "Locally Self-Reliant". Advertisements, Public Service Announcements (PSA), etc., should be used to educate the public. Government authorities also need to take 'land use' planning seriously and set aside land for farming, foraging, fishing and hunting.  The sprawling suburbs can be re-configured into "towns", and property owners can be encouraged to convert their lawns into micro-farms or wild spaces, as everyday common weeds and non-native plants can provide a wealth of resources.

We need import bans and steep tariffs on foreign goods, as well as bans foreign ownership of businesses, land, non-profits, etc., are effective ways to protect a nation's businesses. Foreign ownership is a foreign "conquest" of a nation's assets by any other name.  Governments should also ban private or foreign ownership of public utilities, which should never be subject to market forces, in any case, as we all depend on them.  Public utilities include: ports, water, power, electric, gas, roads, roads, bridges, tolls, communications, elections, money, etc..  Some see 'protectionism' as isolationist and nationalistic, but that's not true. It makes sense for every nation to protect is citizens and resources as much as possible. There's nothing "free" about free markets. It's a race to the bottom, as businesses scour the planet looking for cheap, if not slave, labor.

Monopolies, aka "chain" businesses, that suffocate local small businesses and destroy the uniqueness, diversity, and self-sufficiency of local communities worldwide, should also be banned. This applies to "chain" law firms, "chain" accountants, "chain" real estate businesses, etc..  Another reason to ban chain businesses is the same reason not to connect our power grid too broadly, because if one thing goes wrong, it can take down the whole system, thereby violating the Doctrine of Risk Management.  Local communities can come together now and agree to stop doing business with chain stores.  In fact, there are laws in the U.S. that allow communities to outlaw big chain stores.

A country cannot exist if it has no border security.  If anyone can come in, then that can quickly build into a 'de facto' invasion.  Open borders also means open season for drug and human traffickers. Countries need to manage their own affairs, like we manage our homes and families. We lock our doors when we leave our house, so that we don't get unwanted visitors. We plan for the amount of food, clothing, and shelter we need, so that we don't run out.  Well-managed countries operate the same way.  That said, solid border fences can also do serious harm to wild life that need to migrate seasonally, so that's a complication that needs to be addressed.  It looks like what we need is a federal ID that people must carry as proof that they are citizens of the country in which they reside.

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MILITARY ISSUESThe military's mission is to defend the nation, but we all must be prepared to do that.

  • BE PREPARED & RENEW THE UNIVERSAL DRAFT - Every citizen, including students, should be trained and available to defend themselves and their country, as civilians are often drawn into wars and other hazardous situations. The downside of a 'volunteer' military is that it creates a 'warrior class' that can control or take over government. Worse yet, it also allows citizens to disconnect from their nation's defense and foreign policy, under the misguided impression that it has nothing to do with them, when it most certainly does. We don't need armchair patriots. We need all our citizens to have the skills, training, and courage it takes to protect themselves, their community, and their country against harm.

  • BAN FORCED VACCINATIONS AND MEDICATIONS -  Everyone should have the right to Medical Freedom.  Our military has been literally and systematically poisoned by their own doctors and public health officials. Toxic vaccines and other medications have disabled hundreds of thousands of our soldiers, active duty and retired - which also has resulted in 22 suicides a day. As with any injustice, it takes people stepping up, speaking out, and fighting back for things to change.  Our soldiers are dedicated to defending us, now we have to defend them against medical corruption and tyranny.

  • ABUSING OUR STATE'S "NATIONAL GUARD" - Our state "national guard" is supposed to protect their respective states, not engage in foreign wars. Yet, units have been routinely been sent overseas by the Pentagon, particularly during the various and unethical Mideast wars, starting in the 1990's. The Pentagon has sent these troops on multiple deployments; a practice that was unheard of before.  It has taken a tragic toll on our soldiers and their families. This has also left states less able to defend their citizens in times of natural or man-made disasters, which is their first mission.  For several states, where massive numbers of illegal immigrants are pouring over their borders, having their troops overseas has hampered their ability to stem the tide or safeguard residents. Our national guard needs to return to its original mandate - to protect U.S. residents and their property.


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LAW & ORDER ISSUES  - Set and enforce effective safety laws, educate police officers, train citizens, and focus on effective rehabilitation in prisons.

  • TRAIN ADULTS AND CHILDREN on how to diffuse a volatile situation, but also how to defend themselves.

  • DEFEND GUN OWNERSHIP - Common sense dictates that we have the right to arm and protect ourselves and others. The Second Amendment is pretty clear on that score, even though several states continue to chip away at it.  In 1776, the Patriots were able to fight for our liberty because they were armed; British citizens in Great Britain were not. If more people were armed, there would be a lot less people attacking schools, invading homes, and looting stores. The police can't be everywhere, so people need to be empowered to protect themselves and their neighborhoods. And all schools should be protected by armed guards and staff trained in the use of firearms.

  • DISTRICT ATTORNEYS & POLICE need to be supported, but also need to do their jobs properly. In too many cities there is a "soft on crime" approach to law enforcement. Yes, lots of things need to be done to prevent crime (youth programs, skills training, affordable housing, etc.), but once the crime has been committed, the offender needs to be arrested, prosecuted, and rehabilitated in prison, if necessary. Offenders need to know there will be serious consequences for their actions.  District Attorneys, who don't enforce the law, they should be fired, impeached, and/or sued on the grounds of "non-enforcement of the law".  For police who do not do their job, they should be retrained or fired. People need to be held accountable for their actions and inaction, both offenders and enforcers. 

  • NO BAIL, NO RELEASE, & SPEEDY TRIALS:  We should have "no bale nor release", but "quick justice" within 24 hours for most crimes, as they have done in some sports stadiums for unruly fans.  But, absolutely no bale or release for violent offenders, repeat offenders, or flight risks.  It's understandable that there are complaints about a 2-tiered justice, one for the rich and the other for the poor.  It's not fair and should not be allowed.  Quick justice is a better solution, with ample opportunity for offenders to appeal while in jail, per usual, or ask for a jury trial. And a jury trial should not cost more than a non-jury trial, plus the jurors should be selected via lottery - no more jury shopping.

  • BAN GAG ORDERS, SEQUESTERING, GRAND JURIES, ETC: Where in the Constitution does it say that people lose their 1st Amendment rights to free speech if they are indicted, convicted, or in jail?  No judge should ever be able to gag anyone. Nor should they look for jurors who don't keep up on the latest news, or be able to sequester them. Nor should any information about the victim or alleged perpetrator be withheld from jurors or the public during a trial, including previous and current indictments and convictions. Lastly, grand juries should be banned, as they appear to be unconstitutional and are too easily manipulated by a DA without adequate legal protections for the accused.

  • WHITE COLLAR CRIME:  People should go to jail if they violate the law. Period. There should be no exceptions for government employees, business owners, and corporations... but it happens all the time, particularly with Big Pharma and their vaccines, opioids, and other drugs. White Collar justice a racket where corporations pay fines to (aka, payoff) the government, and then write off the expense as the cost of doing business.  Millions of people have been injured or died, yet few Big Pharma executives or their government counterparts ever go to jail. The same goes for the financial, chemical, and other industries. These criminals need to go to jail and pay fines that will wipe out any profits they made or will make; plus pay for the pain and suffering that they have caused.  See: Federal Gov't Corruption

  • QUALITY-OF-LIFE CRIMES:  All societies need effective and respectful "law and order". There are a lot of people who think that these small crimes, like loitering, drunkenness, or panhandling don't matter, but they do. Firstly, small violations can quickly add up to big safety problems. Secondly, the sidewalk is a public easement, not a private meeting space. And just using common sense, "How would you feel if someone was loitering, drunk, or panhandling in front of your home, office, or store? For those offenders who are addicts and the mentally ill, free treatment in a secure facility should be required. In Philadelphia, people should call 911 every time they see these violation, because it goes on the record, plus the police have to respond, which usually takes care of the problem, at least temporarily. See: 

  • PRISONS & SOLITARY CONFINEMENT:  Rehabilitation and skills training should be the focus of any prison, not punishment. And certainly NOT solitary confinement, which can easily drive sane people crazy. This is society's best chance to make troubled people better, for everyone's sake. Plus, inmates should be in local prisons where their friends and family can visit them. That said, 'private prisons' are not a good idea, as their business model depends on prisoners, which is a huge conflict of interest, obviously.  Prisons should be considered a public necessity, not an investment opportunity.

  • DEATH PENALTY:  Don't do it.  If the process makes a mistake, there's no rectifying it.  It's better to be safe, than sorry.  Life in prison, with no possibility of parole, is a better option. As a practical matter, appeals to death penalties can go on for decades, draining the financial assets of local governments.




  • PROPERTY MAINTENANCE:  All properties should be properly maintained, attractive, and occupied under the law. No property should remain empty for more than a prescribed period (2 years?), after which the government should be able to step in and either lease out or purchase the property for its market value.

  • END SQUATTERS' RIGHTS & PROTECT LANDLORDS RIGHT TO EVICT FOR NONPAYMENT OF RENT: You either hold title to property or not, plus prove that you paid taxes on it. No one should be allowed to squat and not pay rent. If the squatter is not a renter, or a renter that is destroying the property or posses a physical threat, then eviction should be immediate.  If renters stop pay rent, then the landlord should have the right to evict them by a date based on their deposit, which is usually 1 month's rent, unless the renter is destroying the property or threatening neighbors, in which case eviction should be immediate.




MONEY ISSUES - Can't live with it, and can't live without it.  What can we do? 

  • Use cash
  • Avoid debt
  • Join credit unions
  • Support local banks
  • Enforce the Anti-Trust Act
  • Minimize the need for money
  • Use debit cards, not credit cards
  • Oppose a government digital currency
  • Oppose the private banks' Federal Reserve
  • Support government control over the money supply
  • Prohibit Wall Street's endless funny-money schemes

Too often, we make money, not sense.  Money is probably the trickiest issue we face... with no easy answers. It seems that you can't live with it and you can't live without it.  That said, money must be managed extremely carefully, like a stick of dynamite.  Money offers such an overwhelming incentive for people to do the wrong thing, that it has become a real threat to the success of any society.  Too many people will do anything for money, or nothing at all and not speak up about important issues of the day for fear that they could lose their job. 

Frankly, our economic system can be considered a financial form of servitude, forcing people to play along even if they are completely self-sufficient.  So, it makes sense to minimize our need for money through local and personal "self-reliance", as much as possible. There is a way to live in a society where money is not involved, for instance, barter societies, but in general they haven't worked for larger populations. Maybe those kind of societies can be our goals, but in the meantime, it's going to take money to get people to go to work and do jobs that are vital to a modern society. 

  • THE ECONOMY: A MIX OF CAPITALISM, SOCIALISM, AND PROTECTIONISM - The economy should serve the public good, not private interests alone.  It makes sense not to charge people for certain things that benefit both society and business, such as education, training, and health care.  But, it also makes sense to give people the freedom and financial incentive they need to create new ideas and products, within a regulatory framework of fairness and safety.  As noted above, we should promote local self-reliance, set high tariffs, ban as many imports as we can, plus ban foreign ownership of land, businesses, and assets of any kind.

  • INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY & PATENTS: It seems that this field has gone nuts, so much so that the "public good" is completely losing out to "private profit".  Rumor has it that many patents are being hidden from the public so that select industries are protected from competition. Some even say that we could have had free, clean, and safe energy by now, if it weren't for virtually permanent 'patent protections'.  It's time to end the practice of privatizing and monopolizing ideas, and unlock these hidden resources for everyone's benefit.

  • LIMITS ON WEALTH:  People should not be allowed to accumulate or hoard so much wealth that they can buy up entire countries. People should be powerful if they have powerful ideas and accomplishments, not because they made the most money. Of course, limitless wealth wouldn't be such a huge problem if our government actually enforced the Anti-Trust Act and had a truly progressive tax code. However, as things now stand, with billionaires running amuck, there needs to be a cap on wealth, but where to put it?  It's a good question.

  • WORKFARE, NOT WELFARE: Government should be the employer of last resort. It might not be the job of your dreams or where you want to live, but to give capable people money for doing nothing undermines a person's worth and integrity, as well as society's stability as a place of fairness.

  • NEITHER A BORROWER NOR A LENDER BE? If borrowing weren't allowed, the cost of everything would go down. Things quickly get out of control when you allow lending or borrowing. It's really gambling. Both the borrower and lender are betting that the loan will be paid back, but can't guarantee it. So why not require people to pay the full cost up front? The excuse used is that it is easier for people to buy things on a "payment schedule" spread out over many years. But, the real result is that people too often take on more debt than they can handle, driving up costs, and sinking themselves under a mountain of debt and creating an economic bubble for the nation's economy... that eventually bursts.

  • TAKEOVER NATIONS BY DROWNING THEM IN DEBT: This was initially an U.S. strategy, but other countries like China have followed suit. And now it appears that we are the victims of our own mercenary strategy. Confessions Of An Economic Hitman

  • CREDIT CARDS & LOAN SHARKS: Why don't we call the credit card companies what they really are?  Loan sharks! With some charging borrowers 29.99%, not counting the cost to retailers. The government should put a strict limit on borrowing based on income. And restrict interest rates to something reasonable like 5%. Loan Sharks: The Birth of Predatory Lending

  • COLLEGE & TRAINING LOANS:  Again, government run schooling and training should be free, with a private option. As it stands, colleges and trade school costs are ridiculously expensive because of easily available loans that take years, sometimes decades, to pay off. And in the case of bank defaults, the taxpayers are left holding the bag. Also, many colleges appear to be fronts for financial institutions that hide behind the colleges non-profit status to accumulate wealth. It looks like a racket.

  • BAN BIG BUSINESS / ENFORCE THE ANTI-TRUST ACT:  Our "too big to fail" big banks and businesses should be broken up.

  • RISK-FREE BANKING:  Banks should provide a service where people can store their money, for a small fee, at no risk of bankruptcy or asset forfeiture because it could not be loaned out. In other words, if the lending part of the bank failed, depositors "risk-free" money would be physically in the bank vault available to be restored to the owner.

  • THE FEDERAL RESERVE should be banned, as it is the privatization of a government function - controlling the money supply.  It's unconstitutional and a scam. We're being charged interest to access our own money!  That should end now.  We need to take back control of our own currency from national and international bankers.

  • BALANCED BUDGET:  This should be mandatory for any country. America is now drowning in massive debt unlike anytime is history. And it's no accident. It's called "predatory lending".  One way to destroy a country is to plunge it into massive debt.

  • TAX ISSUES: There should only be taxes on income, but from all sources: employment, investments, assets, inheritance, gifts, etc.; and those taxes should be progressive. The more you make, the more you pay.  They should be based on income, not on assets until sold. In Philadelphia, we have to pay taxes on the appraised market value of our homes. That's crazy. It is forcing people out of their neighborhoods and incentivizing people not to take care of their homes. Meanwhile, Philly hands out hefty tax abatements for people who fix up the properties they buy. It makes no sense! Real estate taxes should be based on the size of the lot and the buildings, with exceptions for farms and open spaces.

  • NO FEDERAL INCOME TAX?  It is unconstitutional for the federal government to require income tax payments, but we do it anyway. And then what happens?  The federal government continues to grow exponentially, and actually withholds money from the states, essentially blackmailing states if they don't do what the federal government dictates.  As our federal government grows more corrupt by the day, it's time to at least minimize the Federal Income Tax.

  • END MOST TAX EXEMPTIONS, INCLUDING NON-PROFITS: It's become a racket for the rich and others. Some so-called non-profits, like PEW and Harvard University, are worth billions of dollars!

  • WALL STREET - BAN HEDGE FUNDS, JUNK BONDS, DERIVATIVES, PUTS, CALLS, ETC.: It's all 'funny money'.  Basically, it is gambling on businesses and industries that the 'little guy' worked hard to build up.  We need to knock off the Ponzi schemes, pump & dumps, and booby traps. That's what really lead to the Great Depression, not protectionism, as some historians claim. And did you know that if your bank goes bankrupt, that derivative accounts have first claim on the assets, before bank customers?! And the non-transparency of hedge funds is insane. Since when is it a good idea to put blinders on when it comes to investing?

  • UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE WITH A PRIVATE OPTION:  It is uncivilized, hugely counterproductive, and a colossal waste to stress-out people and businesses over medical bills. Of course, the other side of this issue is the quality of health care that being provided, which is pretty bad as it's Big Pharma based.

  • AUTO AND OTHER INSURANCE COVERAGE:  There should be no "red-lining" in insurance rates, charging those who live in the city to a higher rate than those who live in the suburbs. That's unfair discrimination. Insurance rates should be based on personal performance, not geography.

  • GAMBLING: Think about it...for you to win, others must lose. How can that make you feel good about yourself? A gambling addict can destroy their family's assets. And the fact that people can gamble on credit is criminal. The fact that governments encourage people to gamble is insane.  You should be doing better things with your time, like learn a hobby, walk in the woods, or re-arrange your sock drawer!

UNIONS are great for any non-public group of employees, but voting for a union and its officers should be transparent, which most aren't.

Unions are great for any non-public group of employees, but not for public employees. They can have an association, but not go on strike. That's the downside of having relatively secure government employment and not have to worry about working in a competitive market. 

Union votes should not be secret, either, but instead "transparent"... like any other election. All that said, it was extremely disappointing to see so many unions, particularly the teachers unions, NOT protect their members against mandatory vaccines during the COVID debacle.


RACISM & THE REVERSE:  "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character." Martin Luther King

  • FAIRNESS?  Meritocracy & Equal Opportunity versus Quotas & Equity of Outcomes: We should promote people based on merit, not race, sex, ethnicity, religion, nor personal connections. If it's good enough for the NBA, NFL, and various other sports and occupations where African American do very well, if not dominate, then it's good enough for every other profession.  Otherwise, preferential treatment sows discontent and frustration within every part of society; it poisons the well.  People will always doubt someone's ability to do a job properly, if they got preferential treatment. Besides, not everyone needs to play for the NBA, however they can play for other organizations and on city teams.  Not everyone needs to go to Harvard Medical School; there are other medical schools that are less competitive, less expensive, and perhaps even more competent. And most of all, people can set up their own private organizations and businesses that can cater to their specific needs.

  • SOLUTIONS?  Good Intentions & Bad Consequences:  Sometimes with the best of intentions, we can really screw things up. For instance, school bussing was meant to integrate the school system, but instead, whites left the cities in droves and fled to the suburbs, making segregation worse.  Effective educational reforms and enforcing laws against discriminatory housing practices would have been a better way to go. In a similar manner, social welfare programs were meant to support poor mothers and their children; instead these programs encouraged many fathers to abandon their families, leaving mothers and children more destitute than ever. Incentives for intact families, as well as workfare, are better solutions. Another example, many individuals and churches are creating problems for their local neighbors by feeding the homeless and drug addicts, instead of taking them to government social services and getting them effective care and treatment. So, the next time you try to help someone, think it through and try to be sure that you are making things better for everyone, not worse. Good intentions can have some pretty bad, though unintentional, consequences

  • SETTLING THE SCORE?  Past Injustices & Reparations: This is a tough one. Certainly, neither people, businesses, nor institutions should get away with doing bad things to others, and then benefitting from it. After the Civil War, African Americans were supposed to be compensated, but most never were. And now all those former slaves and slave masters are long gone, although some of the descendents of slave owners, are still living on their plantations, which seems weird.  But, what about Indigenous Americans, other ethnic groups, and women who have been denied just compensation for past injustices for centuries?  How to make up for the sins of the past? I don't think whole-sale reparations is the answer.  Banks, art museums, and others unjustly held onto stolen Jewish property after World War II for decades, until a few brave souls stepped forward to right that wrong. And they succeeded to a limited degree. See: Frankly, I don't have a good answer to this issue.




Most people take a "live and let live" approach to members of the LGBTQ+ community.  And that's how it should be.  LGBTQ+? folks should have the same rights as everyone else, but not more rights. It can be a very tricky subject. So much so, that schools should have no role in counseling students about sexual orientation without the express permission of the individual parents involved.  Many parents do not want LGBTQ+ held up as a lifestyle for their children to aspire to, unless their child's natural instincts are already headed in that direction. Complicating the picture even more, some children are born with both sexual organs - hermaphrodites, which can create a serious dilemma.

Regarding the "transgender rights" issue - to claim the rights of the opposite sex - a person's sex at birth should be the determining factor, particularly as it pertains to government contracts, regulations, IDs, and access to single-sex bathrooms, showers, prisons, colleges, sororities, prisons, and particularly sports. Girls & women's sports, under proposed changes to Title 9 and other sports organizations' rules, are systematically destroyed when transgender athletes (males) are allowed to join in girls & women's competitions, often threatening the safety of females due to males larger and stronger physical size.  It's so blatantly unfair that it defies all common sense. More worrisome is medical advice that convinces children and parents that surgery and lifetime medications are the only answers to gender confusion, when both the physical and emotional side effects can be devastating.

As far as pronouns are concerned, it is confusing, frustrating, and dividing the public unnecessarily. Who is going to remember everyone's "personal pronoun" anyway? I can't remember my own middle name. Wear a name tag if this issue is that important to you.  Or dress in a manner that suggests how you want to be addressed. After all, that's why people wear wedding rings.

But, there is a bigger issue involved that rarely gets much publicity. Why are so many children today being born sexually confused, both physically and mentally?  Many scientists point to excess exposure to estrogen, a female hormone, found in foods like soy & dairy, contraception pills, fertilizers, pesticides, fossil, fuels, etc., as well as other medications and vaccines, all of which may contribute to the disruption of human sexual development and mutation of DNA. This has been observed in wild animals for decades, and most of it is attributed to pollution. So, it stands to reason that human sexual development is being adversely affected, as well. It's an issue that needs to be addressed for the future of humanity could be at stake. Here's an old article of mine on this subject -








EDUCATION - The fight for a great public education is everyone's fight for our future.

We each need to build our own curriculum that will ensure that our children are being properly educated at home and at school. Ideally, the federal government should provide free online educational material and testing for all grade levels, including college and post graduate courses, as well as free online job training material. States can decide their own curriculums, but it would be helpful for the federal government to supply a base of support or alternative.

I strongly believe in a public school education because these children are our future.  When our best and brightest opt out of local public schools for private options, everyone loses.  Everyone disconnects from each other's reality.  And those parents and students who would be the most pro-active and successful advocates for a good education, leave behind students and their parents who really need their leadership. It creates a learning ghetto for the poor and unlucky, who will naturally be resentful as they get older. Parents can run, but the public can't hide from the results of a poor public school education.

That said, I don't believe that we can or should outlaw private options. People have a right to choose, however, private school & charter parents do not have the same right to complain about their children's education as do local public school parents. If private & charter school parents do complain, they risk their children's removal from school, with no legal recourse.  Regarding home schooling, in my opinion it is just too isolating in general, although it can be appropriate in certain circumstances.

So, how to make any school great?  We need to check out the curriculum, plus review their text books and work papers.  Clearly, something has gone terribly wrong in that so many students are failing to learn. 1) Set specific goals for the students to meet, 2) Have a teacher and an aid in every classroom, and invite the parents and volunteers into the classroom to observe and assist the teachers. 3) Balance students' education evenly between knowledge and skills, from primitive to high tech.  4) Provide course materials  "free" online and for download for the benefit of both students, parents, and the public; and for every grade level (K to PHD) and on every subject and skill. (It would be great if the federal and/or state governments would provide this information without slipping in any crazy agendas.) 5) Have lots of volunteer hallway monitors trained to keep the peace, 6) Transfer disruptive students to special schools where their needs can be properly addressed, 7) Make sure the classrooms have big windows that let the light in, 8) Let students outside for at least 30 minutes every day, 9) Give all kids free meals that are nutritious, and 10) Fill the school with uplifting and inspiring art, music, literature, etc..

The "knowledge half" of the curriculum should include critical thinking (i.e., making sense), manners and morals, philosophy, religion, politics, science, math, grammar, history, etc..   The "skills half" should span the range of primitive skills to high technology, as well as life skill such as how to apply for a job or school, write a check, budget your money, get a job, start a business, maintain a car and house, etc..  In particular, students should know all about our wild world and its uses, as well as how to make their own food, clothing, shelter, furniture, etc..  And last but not least, skills should include sports and dance (particularly line dances)! 

People need to work with their "hands and minds together" in order to really learn about life. They need to experience things first hand, not just read about them in books. However, most schools don't do that. And, too much of what they teach has no practical application. Students need to get outside of the schools to visit town hall meetings, factories, farms, laboratories, and offices, not just go to museums and play parks.  And there needs to be robust "work study" programs for students. In addition, every school should have a school store with items for sale that the students made themselves.

We can change our children's education for the better. Go to school board meetings and lobby for a balanced curriculum between knowledge and skills. And that means skills training for all students, not just the vocational kids.  Grandparents and non-parents should also attend school board meetings because many parents are afraid to do it because of the real threat of backlash on their children...which does happen. But that's life. We all have a civic duty to do what's right for our children and their future.  It really does take a village to raise a child.

My street!


  • BEAUTIFUL CITIES:  Whatever we build should be beautiful... something that lifts our spirits and fills our souls. Zoning boards should make attractiveness a priority.

  • STREET & SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION - PAVERS, NOT PAVEMENT!  For most streets and sidewalks, it's a better idea to use pavers that can be installed and removed as needed, rather than use asphalt which is not porous, ends up looking like a patchwork quilt punctuated with potholes, and it's toxic to boot!  What's not to like? See my website:

  • HIGHWAY TOLLS: Tolls are a bad idea, an unfair tax that disproportionately affects the poor, and also cause traffic jams which adds to air pollution. Everyone profits from state and federal highways, so everyone should pay for them through their taxes.

  • HIGHWAY WALLS:  Tear down those walls along our highways.  They are ugly and unsafe. In case of a fiery pileup on the highway, those walls will prevent people from escaping. Also, stop building houses and businesses right next to highways; that air and noise can't be healthy. To stop the road traffic sound, plant lots of trees and bushes -

  • BRIDGES WITH A VIEW:  Too often we can't see the view from a bridge. We should be able to see the creeks and rivers that we're traveling over! It's a beautiful sight we need to enjoy.

  • HIGHWAY LANDSCAPING & LITTER:  There's no excuse for litter along the highways. Our highways should be clean and beautiful! It's a good job for those who need to do 'community service'. We've had a few family members engaged in that program.



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Treat both love and sex very thoughtfully and respectfully. And try not to confuse having a crush on someone with true love. And, just because you love someone, does not mean that you should have sex with them, particularly if you are both young.  Sex is serious business and should be saved for serious monogamous relationships. There's nothing free about "free sex", contrary to what others and much of the entertainment industry may have to say on the subject. As a practical matter, sex can result in pregnancy, which is great if you're trying to have children and ready to raise them properly.  What is less well know, however, is that sex can also result in sterility, as the result of a sexually transmitted diseases (STD), such as Chlamydia. Which is why it is not a good idea to lead a 'fast and loose' lifestyle, aka "Sex In The City". And very importantly, if you don't drink or do drugs, then you'll be much less likely to lose control of your emotions and your self-respect. As with everything in life, what you do has consequences for everyone. Use your head and your heart. Let love respectfully lead the way.


The life of a baby begins at conception. That's just a scientific fact.  And most people believe that we all have a soul which is eternal, including the unborn. So, to end a child's life without just cause (i.e., to save the life of the mother, etc.) is wrong.  That said, many women want the legal right to make that choice, anyway.

In some states, women can choose up to and beyond the hour of birth, without having to show cause.  In my book, that's murder. On the other hand, many states and countries allow abortions in the first trimester.  It's still wrong, but at this moment in history, it might be the best option.

I realize that appalls many pro-life activists, but think of it this way.  Our Founders wrote the Declaration of Independence knowing full well that African Americans, women, and many others were not treated "equally" at the time, nor in the near future.  But they stated their "intention" and eventually it became a "reality".

In a similar manner, I believe that abortion will be a thing of the past, eventually, because people will be more aware of healthy methods to plan their families. But, that is not the case today. "The pill" and other contraceptive devices can be very damaging to women's health and their babies.  And that fact should be the pro-life movements' focus - natural and safe solutions to family planning.  Herbal remedies offer a lot of possibilities, but I'm not an expert on this subject. Here's a couple of websites I found, but I can't say what works well and what doesn't. My main point is that we all should be working toward healthy solutions to family planning.


Society should encourage family building through adoption, no matter what the age. Families provide stability and security.  And the government should take an active role in helping those who want a family to have one. I'm not just referring to the adoption of little children, which my husband and I did, but also making room for teenagers and grown adults. There are seniors who may not have any children or grandchildren, but want them, and vice versa.  For those who adopt teenagers and adults, you will also need to adopt a forgiving attitude that will make the situation workable and enjoyable. Nothing is perfect in life, but loneliness can be devastating. Building a family is a much better bet. The government should provide a registry and host events to bring people together who are looking to begin or expand their family. If government won't do it, then neighborhood civic organizations should. We are so happy that we adopted our three children, who are now adults with children of their own. Raising children and being part of a family is not always easy, but it's always worth it, as the universe does not want us to go through life alone and lonely.|


Raising a child is the hardest thing you'll ever do, and the most rewarding.  Just be sure that you really want children before you become a parent. Because once you have a child, they will take over your life and you may not get a good night's sleep until they're are out of the house, and lots of times, not even then. In other words, children are a lifetime commitment.

Parents lead by example, for good or ill.  Behave in a respectful way in every facet of your life, and you'll reap the rewards of setting a good example for your children. On the other hand, if you dress like a slob and act like an idiot, then your children will learn from that as well. 

Of course, most parents love their children, but they must also make demands of them.  Children should be contributing members of the family, which means that they keep their rooms clean and tidy, comb their hair, brush their teeth, help with the housework, do their schoolwork, and give back to the community.  Plus, children should learn all kinds of skills from their parents, particularly if their schools fall short on that score.  You want to prepare your kids for the real world.

Do your best as a parent, but know that you can't control the outcome as children become adults. You can take a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.  As a parent, keep listening patiently, advising wisely, and assisting your children when appropriate.  And, just remember, that as you take care of them when they are young (and perhaps even take care of their children as a grandparent), conversely, you may need your adult children to take care of you when you get old! So, be generous to your children with your time, attention, and love. What goes around, often comes around, in spades.

Single Parents - Children really need both a male and female role models. But, if a traditional family is not possible, then ask a family member or friend to serve as an "aunt" or "uncle", to be a fixture and role model in your children's lives.

Stay-at-home moms or dads - It's a great privilege to stay at home and raise your own children, but it's also an opportunity to engage in a wide variety of interests and concerns.  Since "working moms" became common in the 1970's, many of those moms have become completely frazzled, believing that they could "have it all". Meanwhile, their children spend too much time with babysitters, in daycare, or alone; while schools, community groups, and advocacy organizations have lost millions of dedicated volunteers and activists.  I'm so grateful that I chose to stay at home and be there for my children and grandchildren, as well as become a community activist, freelance journalist, and many other things. I understand that many moms and dads don't have that choice, yet many do, but are still under immense pressure to "make money".   Staying home was, for me, "being free" to do what I really wanted to do, as a mother and a member of society. That said, staying at home is definitely not for everyone. So, give this decision careful consideration and then do what's best for you and your children.




Marry someone you like, as well as love, someone you feel comfortable with, someone who will be wise and work hard; someone you can discuss all sorts of subjects with and have a laugh, and someone you can count on...most of the time.  It's important to understand that people are not perfect and most marriages will face many difficult crises. Be forgiving of your partner and yourself.  If you have children, you want to set an example for them of how parents work together cooperatively and how to disagree without being disagreeable.  And even when some shouting may be going on, show how you both get over your disagreements and don't harbor grudges. Disagreements happen for a reason. Take those disagreements and turn them into opportunities to make things better between the two of you.

However, if things get really miserable, and you think you want to get a divorce, think long and hard about it.  Make sure that it isn't the 4-year-rut or 7-year-itch or 20-year-trench or whatever.  Marriages can get boring and stagnant, where both partners may be tempted to cheat (or in fact do cheat), but that doesn't mean that the marriage is doomed. It happens in many marriages. Don't panic. It might mean that you need couples therapy, or need to make a significant change in your life, such as moving to a new location, getting a different job, making new friends, staying home with the kids, or having kids!

Just know that divorce, especially when kids are involved, can be very traumatic for all involved, and that trauma can last a lifetime. If it's joint custody, understand that you just cut in half the time you may have with your children, doubled your expenses, plus will need to have two sets of everything for the children for each parent's house. Things may get much more chaotic on every front. So, don't go into divorce thinking that "everyone does it" and that it's part of being a "modern family".  It can be pure hell for everyone involved.  And don't kid yourself that kids are resilient. Some are and some aren't.  Make sure that divorce is unavoidable and that there's no alternative, before you decide to go through with it.  And lastly, don't be too proud to admit if you made a mistake. Divorced couples do sometimes reconcile (10-15%).

If you do get divorced, then make it the most positive experience possible for all concerned. If kids are involved, try to live close to your former spouse, and not to separate the kids from either parent for more than 3 nights at a time, at least when they are young - recognizing that every divorce has its own complexities and solutions.  Also, don't criticize your former spouse unnecessarily in front of the kids. There may be times that it is necessary, but otherwise, the kids don't need that negative energy. Be honest with your kids that both you and your ex have your strengths and weaknesses. Hopefully, over time, you will both find more compatible partners and everyone will benefit.

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Age gracefully. Embrace your senior years, and please don't try to look or act younger! It rarely works. As a senior citizen myself (born in 1952), I’m enjoying growing older.  Maybe I’ve been lucky, but I also take care of myself, eat healthy food, avoid all drugs (legal and otherwise), and engage in moderate exercise…mostly “mindful” walking, so that I don’t trip on the sidewalk and fall on my face…which I’ve done. I avoid doctors, unless it’s an emergency and “wellness checks”, for two reasons: 1) Those check-ups often do more harm than good, and 2) I'd be worrying all the time, dreading what dastardly illness might be lurking in my body undetected. The endless stress would be unbearable, if not unhealthy.  So, unless I have a good reason to go to the doctor, I don’t.

Stay busy. I’ve always been very busy as a stay-at-home mother of 3 (now grandmother of 5), community organizer, issue activist, free-lance journalist, etc.. (visit  My husband is the same way, and so is his brother (born in 1942 and 40 respectively). They are never bored and stay really busy. It’s an important skill to hone… how to plan your life and use your time wisely. I feel sorry for people who are bored because it is clear that they are not reaching out, or don’t know how to. But, it’s never too late, particularly if you decide to help others, or "save the planet", or join a knitting/crochet group. There are lots of organizations dedicated to doing those things, or you can start your own. makes that pretty easy.

Live with others. Make sure that you have friends that you can buddy up with. As far as families are concerned, in some cultures it's expected that the older relatives live with the younger, so that the older folks help take care of the younger children. And that's what we do, except we don't live with our daughter and her kids, but we're very close and do help out almost daily, and we love it!  We're about an hour away from our son and his kids, so we're not with them as much, but thankfully they've got a fully engaged grandma and extended family. Many grandparents are moving to be near their children so as to not miss out on their grandchildren's lives, as well as to have their loved ones nearby for their senior years, which makes sense.  But, the tough question is this - What do we do if we find ourselves in the position of not being able to live on our own? Personally for us, it would be either an "assisted living" facility (expensive), or maybe a large house (with an elevator) with other seniors (and visiting nurses), close to a downtown area with parks and stuff that we could get to in electric wheelchairs, which could be fun and hopefully more affordable. That said, my husband and I aren't at that decision point, yet. Stay tuned.


A SHORT LIST of nonsensical stuff, aka, Just Getting Stuff Off My Chest!


They should be outlawed! Period. Why haven't they been already?$

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PUBLIC PHONES & WATER FOUNTAINS  - Where did all the public phone and water fountains go? Let me guess. The related industries got rid of them so that the public would have to pay more for something they've already paid for with their tax dollars. Let's do our best to bring them back!




OUTSIDE WIND CHIMES: There should be a law against them, and in many places there are. It is unfair to impose one's idea of what sounds good onto others. Chimes can seriously disturb the neighbors. At our old house, we had all three of our adjacent neighbors hang chimes, which disturbed us awake and asleep, as we like to keep our windows open as much as possible. Meanwhile, these neighbors all had their windows shut tight. So, basically they couldn't hear their own chimes, but we could!  If people really want to listen to chimes, they can do so within the confines of their own homes by sticking a fan on them.

LOUD MUSIC:  Might as well add "loud music" to this category, as well. Why do people think that they have the right to blast their music at others? It doesn't matter if your at a park, or the beach, on a subway or bus, or even in your own car. Your idea of good music could be others idea of pure torture. So, wear ear buds and keep your music to yourself!  Even in bars and clubs, or at outside events, music should not be so loud as to bust our eardrums and damage our health.

PERFUMES AND FRAGRANCES: Likewise, it's unfair to impose one's idea of what smells good onto others. Besides, some people are allergic to perfumes, and they can give many others headaches. Smell the roses, don't process them!

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Both are a gigantic waste of space. It's simple math. If we keep using up land for our trash and the dead, eventually there will be no more land for the living.  In a healthy non-toxic manner, we should return our dead to the soil (natural burials) and process our waste -


are a great way to earn some extra income, but they should be restricted to commercial zones only.  Otherwise, AirBnB's can quickly turn a residential neighborhood into a vacation resort. If someone in your neighborhood needs an extra income, they should be allowed to rent out a room or two on a yearly lease. That way the neighborhood doesn't have strangers always coming and going.


BAN PIT BULLS WORLDWIDE! I can't believe the number of people who think it's a good idea to have a pit bull for a pet. Our dog Scooter was killed by a pit bull.  No other breed of dog attacks innocent victims as viciously nor as frequently as pit bulls do. Of course, this is not their fault, it's our fault for allowing people to breed such a dangerous dog. Every week across the country, pit bulls attack children, adults, pets, and even livestock. They terrorize neighborhoods. They are simply too dangerous and can’t be trusted. Once they lock onto a target, they have no off-switch and won’t let go, which is why the police and military do not use pit bulls.  Pit bulls are already banned in 53 countries.  And in the U.S., pit bulls are banned in over 1400 cities, 297 military bases, and 23 Indian Reservations.  Many housing authorities ban pit bulls, including New York City.  At the very least, all pit bulls should be muzzled, and dog shelters should not adopt out pit bulls. It’s time to end this deadly practice and phase out this deadly breed.  If pit bulls are too dangerous for the police and military, then they’re too dangerous for our neighborhoods.


It all send the wrong message to women (and some men), young and old, that they are not 'good enough' as nature made them. Most men don't wear make-up, so why do women feel obliged to? What happened to equal rights?  Besides, this stuff often makes most people look harsher. More importantly, these products and procedures can be full of toxic chemicals and seriously harmful to your health. They're not good for your body, your brain, or our planet. Of course, there are exceptions to this advice for those who want or need plastic surgery for serious disfigurements. Just keep in mind, and I know it sounds old-fashioned, but true beauty does come from the inside, from your thoughts, your words, and your actions.


BLACK CLOTHES -  Where's the funeral?!  Why are so many people are wearing black clothes. It's sooo depressing!  "... many use the color black to symbolize all things negative. Throughout history, this somber color has been tied to death and all things evil and bad. It evokes strong feelings of anger, aggression, fear, and sadness."  So, ditch the black and break out the COLORS!  


HOLES IN PANTS ON PURPOSE This fashion is just so ridiculous that it almost defies explanation, except that many people are actually 'slaves to fashion'.  They aren't respecting themselves or society by trying to looking like a poor person who can't take care of themselves. Actually, it looks alot like a MK-ULTRA CIA mind-control program (as with much of modern art, fashion, music, and literature, beginning in the 1950's), designed to see what lengths people will go to in order to 'fit in'. 


(no photo necessary,
you know what I'm talking about)

 Many countries don't want Western culture because, too often, the women and men dress like sluts and slobs, (not to mention act like idiots).  It's offensive and degading. So please, wise up and dress up.



A FEW OF MY FAVORITE THINGS I need to work on this list, but here's a few recommendations. That said, I strongly believe that art should inspire and encourage us, not repel and depress us. Some people say that bad art is deliberately used by others to depress the public, as a weapon against us, and to get us to do bad things. I believe that is the case in many instances. So, our best response is to create and support uplifting and inspiring arts.

  • BOOKS:
    • Proof of Heaven, Map of Heaven, Mindful Universe by Dr. Eben Alexander
    • The Secret Life of Plants
    • The Tipping Point
    • Born To Run
    • The Pirates of Penzance(film) - great musical, very under-rated
    • 42nd Street - Musical Theater
    • The Bank for Dave
    • Happiness For Beginners
    • The Boys In The Boat
    • Anne of Green Gables
  • SONGS, MUSIC:  Rod Stewart's American Songbook, French cafe, Oscar Peterson, Big Band, Swing, Celtic, Bluegrass, Chamber music,
  • DANCES: (that I like but don't necessarily do): line, 2-step, country, swing, Jitterbug, square dance, English country, and tap.
  • ARTISTS: Dutch Masters, Impressionists, anything colorful, beautiful, and inspiring

 I hope this inspires you to start your own journal.  Lynn Landes
